
La Mambo Cafe & Dine
2F., #10, Hai-an Road, Cijin District, Kaohsiung City
2 Coins Bar
350 Fujian St
1/2 block from the Lees Hotel at Wu-Fu 1st Road and Fujian

2 Coins Bar is a small bar down the street from the Lees Hotel. The bar owner is quite nice, but doesn't speak English. Good music and decent prices are standard for this relaxing bar.

Two local beer companies, Tsingtao and Taiwan Beer, are ubiquitous throughout the island and can be purchased by visitors cheaply with little hassle about age restrictions. Most major soft drinks are available, and tea stands on almost every corner offer concoctions of fruit, yogurt, green tea, the Taiwanese specialty "bubble tea," and a variety of other flavors.

While tap water is most certainly NOT potable, good reverse osmosis filtration will remove bacteria and heavy metals, and is considered safe for consumption. Water dispensers, which resemble gas stations, are present throughout the city. However, they, along with many of the bottled water brands, are suspect. Both have been found, in the past, to simply bottle or distribute tap water. To avoid ingesting non-potable water, only purchase bottles that are sealed with an expiration date clearly printed on the bottle. Often, it is easier to simply purchase green tea at a stand or a convenience store, or a soft drink. Restaurant water is safe, with the exception of some lunchbox eateries and stands on the street.

Green Creek Cafe
#2, Hai-an Rd., Cijin District, Kaohsiung City.
Siang Shia Zou
B1, 323 Xintian Rd
behind Hanshin Department Store


3F, 42 Zihciang 3rd Rd
Open Tu~Su @ 10PM~4AM
MRT Sanduo Shopping District Station Exit 1, across from the 2 legged skyscraper
125 Nantian St
All-you-can-drink Guys 100~500NT; Girls Free~100NT
Open W~M
MRT Sanduo Shopping District Station Exit 4, behind Sogo,